Sunday, February 22, 2009

Amazing Story....!!!! ( Crazy )

Amazing Story....!!!! ( Crazy )

Bayi mereka lahir di Eastbourn, Inggris, Senin (9/2/2009) lalu. Saat Chantelle hamil sembilan bulan lalu, mereka menolak aborsi. “Saya pikir asyik juga punya bayi,” kata Alfie yang suaranya belum pecah itu. Saat ditanya bagaimana dia bakal menghidupi anak yang diberinya nama Maisie Roxanne itu, Alfie mengaku tidak tahu. “Saya tidak mendapat uang saku. Kadang-kadang saja Ayah memberi saya 10 poundsterling.” 
“Saya juga tidak tahu caranya menjadi ayah. Tapi saya yakin kok, bisa jadi ayah yang baik dan merawat anak itu,” katanya, yakin. Alfie berusaha menunjukkan tanggung jawabnya sebagai ayah dengan menjadi orang pertama yang menggendong bayi berbobot 3,5 kg itu. 
“Dia bisa saja tidak peduli dan bermain PlayStation saat Chantelle melahirkan. Tapi Alfie mau menunggui pacarnya di rumah sakit,” ujar Dennis Patten, 45, ayah Alfie. Chantelle tahu dirinya hamil saat memeriksakan diri ke dokter karena sakit perut. “Saya diantar Alfie. Dokternya tanya apakah kami berhubungan seks. Saya lalu dites kehamilan. Saya menangis waktu dokter bilang saya positif hamil,” cerita remaja bongsor itu. 
Chantelle mengaku takut memberitahu ibunya. “Saya pikir Mama bakal membunuh saya.” Chantelle kini membawa Maisie ke rumah ibunya di sebuah rumah di Eastbourne. Di rumah itu ia tinggal bersama orangtuanya, Penny dan Steve, serta lima saudara laki-lakinya. Karena Steve menganggur, mereka hidup dari tunjangan pemerintah. 
Alfie masih tinggal dengan ayahnya, tapi setiap hari menengok bayinya. Sikapnya masih seperti anak-anak seusianya. Dia suka bermain komputer, bertinju, dan nonton Manchester United bertanding. Dennis, ayah Alfie, sangat terpukul ketika tahu anaknya yang masih bocah itu juga akan menjadi ayah. 
“Alfie menangis dan mengaku itu hubungan seks pertamanya dan tidak tahu konsekuensinya. Meski terlambat saya harus bicara lagi dengannya supaya dia paham benar perbuatannya. Dan agar tidak ada bayi lagi,” tandas Dennis yang ayah sembilan anak itu.

Amazing Antique Gadgets that Changed the World !!!!

Amazing Antique Gadgets that Changed the World !!!!

1.  1996 Motorola Star Tac

2.  1981 IBM 5150

3.  1979 Sony Walkman

4.  1977 Atari 2600

5.  1976 JVC HR - 3300

6.  1967 Amana Radarange

7.  1962 Bell & Howell Zoomatic

8.  1953 Kodak Brownie 127

9.  1949 Western Electric 500

10. 1946 RCA Model 630TS

1.2. 3.

4.5. 6.

7.8. 9.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Amazing Mini art figure...( FANSTASTIC !!!! )

These beautiful images by Vincent Bousserez of mini figurines shown as art imitating life like moments, which are absolutely amazing and awe inspiring. The creativity and great photography imagination are easily illustrated. There are many mini figurines placed in various poses that imitate life scenes and moments we all could relate to or seen in real life, magazine images or even in some movie scenes.

Amazing Coin Stacking in the world..!!!

Amazing Coin Stacking in the world..!!!

Picture from Matthew Sparkes composed of pounds pence cents and euros

Pictures of Norwegian Krones by Steinar

Jeff Preshing of Montreal, Canada

David Santino, a freshman civil engineering major in Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey, USA

David Cackette, Sacramento, CA July 30, 2005

Chris Meyer of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Ben Kiefer

Jose Reinaldo Montoya

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Amazing Our Future house !!!!

Amazing Our Future house !!!!

Semakin padatnya penduduk di dunia semakin tidak adanya tempat bagi manusia untuk membangun rumah. Bukan rumah saja yang dibangun bahkan indutri dan pabrik juga berperan penting dalam menghabiskan lahan kosong yang ada. Waduh2.. tapi Ilmuwan ga duduk diam saja..Mereka banyak melakukan eksperimen untuk masa depan. Mereka memprediksikan Rumah kita di masa depan akan berada di air. Apalagi pemanasan global membuat permukaan air meningkat terus menerus. Otomatis rumah ini juga anti banjir. Kalau ga, bisa - bisa pas tsunami langsung ambruk..weleh2...

Klik untuk memperbesar

Amazing Balloon Exhibiton ( So Funny !!!!! )

Amazing Balloon Exhibiton ( So Funny !!!!! )

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The youngest teacher in the world ( Amazing ) !!!!!!

The youngest teacher in the world ( Amazing ) !!!!!!

On the site of Kobi (NBC) news with her collection of her stories

Adora's favorite activity--Reading

Adora getting ready for the TV Show

Adora cooking her favorite sunny side up egg

Name : Adora Svitak
Age : 7 Years old (sekarang 11 tahun)
Job :Primari teacher
Salary : US$ 300 /teaching/50 minutes.
Prie as a talk show hostess:US$ 10.000
Can read at: 3  years old
Adora books: "Flying Fingers"
Hobby : Read 2-3 books/days !!!!

“Reading and writing is my life.” Adora says seriously. She hopes to use her own success to inspire other kids to take more of an interest in reading and writing. 

“Nowadays children are lacking in reading and writing skills, and they are saying things like ‘I don't like to read' or ‘ I don't want to write.' That hurts me very much.” 

Although Adora knows her stories are a way to reach out and inspire, she hopes this website will provide some insights of her success and a platform for visitors to access additional tool for their own reading and writing. 

Adora's love of books is evident both in the vast amount she reads a day (she gobbles down 2-3 books a day) and in the diversity of her own writing. 

Watch Adora reading her poems and talking about story ideas (Please use the user name: ilikepianoadrianna@hotmail and password: to log in), click here.

A self-proclaimed ‘amateur historian', Adora loves to read historical fiction, so perhaps it's not surprising that her stories range in setting from ancient Egypt to Elizabethan England. Well-researched and wonderfully vivid, Adora's historical fiction informs while following fast paced and spirited storylines. Adora's interest in non-fiction history was originally sparked by historical fiction, and she hopes that her own stories will serve as a similar inspiration for other kids.

Although historical fiction remains her first love and passion, she also writes fantasy adventure stories and contemporary fiction. Adora's sense of humor comes through perhaps most in her contemporary stories, which deal with trials and tribulations that will probably seem familiar to most kids. Journal, a contemporary diary style portrait of a young girl, resonates with a fierce emotional tone. 

She also delights in the fantastic, and often sets her stories in landscapes and cultures of her own invention. In The Death of a Hag Lord a young girl comes up with an ingenious plan to defend her town from the onslaught of a goblin hoard. Adora explores more humorous terrain in The Cake of Brovdersvik, the story of two archeologists on the trail of a villainous magic skunk. 

Citing the Redwall series and the Narnia books as huge influences, Adora is currently working on Amruin, an animal tale of a bat who leads a rebellion against the forest's cruel overlord. 

Adora is often disappointed by the way girls are portrayed in books and movies, and strives to create the kind of strong, intelligent, and sassy protagonists she herself would want to read about. Jousting is Ladylike features just such a character, and also illustrates Adora's penchant for mixing the down-to-earth with the fantastic.

One of her poems :

The Philosopher

In his candlelit chamber…
The philosopher works…
Day and night…
Without a rest. 

It is great research…
But never credited…
Nothing has worked…
Nobody has paid attention…
But this time they will. 

And the philosopher tires…
But he keeps on…
He keeps on through the night. 

And on the morrow…
The philosopher wakes…
And studies his books.

A scroll and a stick…
That will tell him…
A ruler made by Merlin…
Will give him success. 

And so his work is credited…
Like the philosopher dreamed it would be…
And, his work done, he fell into the
Endless Slumber…
Which he well deserves.

Link :

Hope this can inspire all of you.. ^^

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Amazing Imagination of drawing !!!!

Amazing Imagination of drawing !!!!
